The port defaults to 2302 so you do not need to change this. Enter your server IP/hostname, and password.Select Direct Connect at the bottom of the servers list.Filter by “Mission” (This will give you an idea of the different type of missions the various servers are running)Īrma 3 server hosting questions answered within minutes! Our pricing starts at an affordable $14.99 per month for your Arma 3 server hosting.The server files run perfectly however when i try to connect to the server i cant, it seems like the port 2302 is blocked or not forwarded. Look through the server browser and get used to the filters in there. Hi proxmox community, i recently setup a windows virtual machine and wanted to run the arma3 game server files on there to use it as a dedicated host.Get teamspeak installed (free voice comms app, you will need it if you intend playing arma a lot).